Sunday, February 5, 2017


There is a problem with maps.  You need space to unfold it all.  It takes time to find the grid placement of where you are and the grid placement of where you need to go.  And depending on how far you need to go, there is a need for more than one maps.  Then there was the invention of the Global Positioning System.  And yes, using a map has become much easier.  Or rather, the technology involved with the global positioning system or GPS is much easier depending on if you have access to a portable computer with World Wide Web Internet capacity.  And even if there is no portable computer with World Wide Web Internet capacity, I'm thankful for  Ah yes, indeed, technology has made life much easier for us all.
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought while thankful that I'm not lost while walking down the road without a roadmap, here are some photos of Jenna Elfman.

 Jenna Elfman and Paul Wilson

 Jenna Elfman

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