Wednesday, March 1, 2017


The month of March began with a severe thunderstorm.  There was loud crashing thunder and everything.  However, the rain pretty much stopped when it got closer to the afternoon.  By the time the afternoon came around, the thunderstorm was gone completely.  But it's still rather cold outside.  Technically, it's still Winter until March 20, 2017 and today is March 1, 2017.  So there's roughly nineteen days left in Winter.  And as Winter continues, the rain falls instead of the snow falling.  Yeah, the weather can be weird that way.  Still, I don't have to shovel the snow from the driveway.  Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.  Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.  The Gentle Reader and I will find out when the second day of March arrives to greet us all.
And as I'm lost in thought on the first day of March, here are some photos of Samantha Hoopes.

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