Monday, March 20, 2017


Today was the first day of Spring. And today was cold and for a period of time wet and raining. But then again, Springtime is the transition from Winter to Summer. So it would be expected to have the weather freezing cold at points of time near the beginning. The outside weather isn't going to remain like this the closer we get to Summer. And yes, the Gentle Reader and I will get closer to Summer. And oh what fun there will be had when Summer finally arrives. Until then, there is the Springtime to enjoy. And there's the chance to enjoy the Springtime outdoors. There's also the chance to enjoy the Springtime indoors if it's still too cold to spend outdoors extensively. The weather will warm up very soon. Just takes a bit more patience. It won't take long now before Summer returns for our enjoyment.
And as I'm lost in thought on the first day of Spring, here are some photos of Vanessa Hudgens.

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