Sunday, April 30, 2017


Oh how wonderful it would've been to spend time at the Caribbean Islands.  However, I don't have the time nor do I have the cash.  I work minimum wage busing tables and washing dishes while trying to imagine what a vacation to the Caribbean Islands must be like.  I rarely get the chance to go on vacation beyond the state of Ohio.  If I'm lucky to afford a vacation beyond the state of Ohio, it's normally to travel by Greyhound Bus and live for two or three nights at the cheapest budget hotel my cash can afford.  Then it's back by Greyhound Bus back to the state of Ohio.  I never married and I never had children.  So a vacation to the Caribbean Islands should be cheap and easy since it's just me, myself and I that's going to the Caribbean Islands.  Perhaps I'll find the time.  Perhaps I'll be able to afford such a luxurious vacation.  Until then, it's another wonderful day in Columbus, Ohio.
And as I'm lost in thought while it's late at night, here are some photos of Martha Hunt.
 Lais Ribeiro

 Lais Ribeiro and Martha Hunt

 Martha Hunt

 Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt and Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt

 Martha Hunt and Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt
 Martha Hunt and Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt
 Martha Hunt and Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt

 Lais Ribeiro

 Martha Hunt and Lais Ribeiro

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