Wednesday, May 24, 2017


 An ISIS terrorist wanted to detonate a bomb at a rock concert and succeeded in doing so. Manchester Arena is an British amphitheater located in Manchester, England and directly on top of the Manchester Victoria Tube Station. The Manchester Arena is one of the largest amphitheaters to perform rock concerts in. On May 22, 2017, Ariana Grande was performing a concert at the Manchester Arena. Near the end of her Dangerous Women Tour concert at the Manchester Arena, an ISIS Terrorist of Libyan descent, but born in England and a recent visitor to Syria named Salman Ramadan Abedi blew himself up with a suicide bomb filled with shrapnel. The ISIS suicide bomb attack exploded outside the Manchester Arena against some Audience Members of the Ariana Grande concert. Twenty-three people, including Salman Ramadan Abedi, was killed and fifty-nine people were injured. Among the dead and injured was children in attendance to the Ariana Grande concert. Though the attack appears to be a loner style attack, Salman Ramadan Abedi was trained by ISIS in Syria and was friends to ISIS terrorists such as Raphael Hostey---A former Black Ghetto rapper turned ISIS recruiter who was killed by the United States Armed Forces drone attack and brothers Abdalraouf and Mohammed Abdallah. So it's not known if this was directed by an ISIS Terrorism Cell or Salman Ramadan Abedi did this on his own. What is known is that Ariana Grande and her Backup Dancers survived the attack. Rock Concert Security was successful in keeping Ariana Grande and her Backup Dancers safe from the ISIS attack against her rock concert.

Saffie Rose Roussos---A murder victim of ISIS suicide bombing attack against Manchester Arena in Manchester, England
 Georgina Callander---A murder victim of ISIS suicide bombing attack against Manchester Arena in Manchester, England
Olivia Campbell---A murder victim of ISIS suicide bombing attack against Manchester Arena in Manchester, England
Nell Jones---A murder victim of ISIS suicide bombing attack against Manchester Arena in Manchester, England
 More chaos at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England
 Joan Grande---The mother of Ariana Grande stopping to refuel in North Carolina after flying across the Atlantic Ocean from England to the United States after suspending her daughter Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman Tour due to the ISIS death threat against her daughter.

 Ariana Grande and her mother Joan Grande returning to Florida after a brief refueling stop at a North Carolina based airport.  The pair left North Carolina on their private airplane for their return back to their Florida based home.

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