Wednesday, June 28, 2017


And perhaps I should go grocery shopping.  It's as good a time as any for such a task.  Maybe I should eat lunch first and then a trip to the grocery store.  Or perhaps a trip to the grocery store before such lunch.  Here in the suburbs, it doesn't matter which path is taken.  Though without a car, a lunch first and then a trip to the grocery store would make the most sense.  Energy is needed for the walk to and from the grocery store.  While the grocery store is only a four or five blocks away, it's still pretty much a ten minute walk both ways.  Hey, I've been sitting around the house all day so some exercise will be needed.  And it's Summertime.  The summertime is a good time for a walk through the neighborhood.  And now, it's time to cook myself some lunch.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Clarice Vitkauskas.

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