Monday, June 26, 2017


Most folks would do anything not to end up in prison.  And some folks are so royally screwed up, that they don't want to end up in prison, but they end up in prison anyway.  And some folks are so royally screwed up that they actually want to end up in prison and they end up in prison.  And for the past five years, the women of the all women's prison Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury on the Netflix television series Orange is the New Black, prison was the end result of a life full of really bad choices.  Some police procedurals end with the criminal being sent to prison.  Orange is the New Black actually begins with the criminal being sent to prison.  And like Gilligan and the other Castaways stuck on the uncharted island, the women of Orange is the New Black is going to be stuck inside their prison cell for a very long time.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon

Taylor Schilling
Laura Prepon
 Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon

 Laura Prepon and Ashton Kutcher

 Laura Prepon

 Laura Prepon and Ben Foster

 Laura Prepon

Taylor Schilling

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