Saturday, July 15, 2017


Me:  It's easy to get lost without a map in this town.
Man With a Scratchy Voice That's Hard to Hear:  It depends on how long you've been living in this town.  Number four.  You won't need a map if you've been living in this town a long.  Number four.
Me:  Why do you say number four at the end of every sentence?
Man With a Scratchy Voice That's Hard to Hear:  Because I'm obsessed with the number four.  Number four.
Me:  The number four is a very fine number.
Man With a Scratchy Voice That's Hard to Hear:  We should have the number four used as often as possible.  Number four.  Then the world would be a cool place to live.  Number four.
Me:  It's going to take more than the number four to make this world a better place to live.
Man With a Scratchy Voice That's Hard to Hear:  Yeah, I guess so.  Number four.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Valentina Zeliaeva.

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