Sunday, July 23, 2017


The Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli:  It won't matter if I don't have an organized plan for fixing the situation.  The situation will fix itself through the use of irony.
Me:  Why is it necessary to use irony to fix the situation.  When was the last time the situation worked?  What caused the situation to break down?  How are you going to fix the situation?  What is the situation supposed to look like when it's fixed?
The Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli:  You don't understand.  Nobody wants to see the alternative fall into place.  The real destiny is much too iconic.  Therefore, I don't need to fix anything directly or aggressively.  The situation will fix itself through irony.  I'll tattle on you if you don't agree.  You must agree.  Everybody agrees. 
Me:  I'm too confused by what you're trying to accomplish.  But good luck fixing the situation.
The Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli:  Thanks.  Tomorrow will be a fun day.  I can feel it.  I'm off to read my comic books now.
And so the Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli walked off to face his ultimate destiny.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Karolin Wolter

 Sasha Pivovarova

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