Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Rejoice for it's the Summer.  Delight in the hot Summer breeze.  A walk in the forest is good for the soul.  To reconnect with nature is the best of all.  It's nice to be in the suburbs that's far away from the city.  It's good to get away from it all.  It's quiet here in the suburbs.  It's easier to think and contemplate for the future.  And what will happen in the future?  I don't know.  It will be fun to find out what the future has in store for us all.  Perhaps I'll find out what the future has in store right now.  Perhaps I'll find out what the future has in store five, ten or twenty years from now.  I'm a patient person.  I can wait.  But right now, it's Summer.  And the Summertime is the best time of all.
And as I'm lost in thought during the hot scorching Summertime, here are some photos of Selena Gomez.

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