Monday, July 24, 2017


July has been a good month.  August will be a good month too.  It's all just a feeling more than anything else.  However, things has been running smoothly, that such optimism is probably going to become so.  There is nothing wrong with optimism.  Optimism usually does better than pessimism.  Or rather, optimism is much more cheerful than pessimism.  There is no such thing as a cheerful pessimist and there's no such thing as a pessimistic optimist.  And if there is such a thing as a pessimistic optimist, it would be a rather unusual situation.  Anyway, it's a good day and tomorrow will even better. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Nicole Kidman.

 Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

 Nicole Kidman

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