Thursday, August 3, 2017


Art galleries isn't to be trashed.  Art galleries is to be treasured.  Art galleries is to be revered.  I don't visit art galleries nearly as often as I would like.  I get so distracted by other tasks so often.  But on those days when it's possible to visit an art gallery, it's like a visit to heaven.  It's fun to see the world from the views and perspectives from other people.  And to see the world from the views and perspectives of people who isn't the same as myself makes the visit to the art gallery much more rewarding.  We should make the effort to bridge that gap as often as possible.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Birgit Kos.

 Artist Frances Stark and her son Arlo Stark-Hanson, Carol Bove, A Representative of the Swiss Pavilion, Artists Hajra Waheed and Alicja Kwade, Birgit Kos, Artist Rachel Rose and Peju Alatise
 Birgit Kos

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