Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli: I'm a vigilante.  I'm in the Neighborhood Watch Group.  I walk up to windows, look through the windows and watch for illegal activity.  If a person is surfing the Internet in inappropriate ways, I make weird noises to let them know they're being investigated.  And if the person is undressing with the windows open, I burst into the house to scold them.  And if there are drugs dealing, illegal gambling and criminal acts of drunk driving, I take the law into my own hands to deal with it.
Me:  How is your brand new career as a vigilante working out?
Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli: The First Woman I tried to investigate by looking through the windows of her house without authority beat me to a pulp and broke a few of my bones.  When I was healed, I investigated the Second Woman by looking through the windows of her house without authority.  She beat me to a pulp and broke a few of my bones.  So my Neighborhood Watch Group is briefly suspended pending a Police Investigation.  Turns out that The First Woman was undressed at the time and the Second Woman was looking at porn.
Me:  It doesn't matter if you think you're a vigilante who is patrolling against crime.  Nobody likes peeping toms who looks through the windows of strangers houses without permission.
 Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli:  It doesn't matter what you think because I never asked you.  Oh my GOD, what the Hell is your problem?
Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli rolled his wheelchair across the street before he got hit by a car. 
Man Who Drove a Car into Man Who Smells Like Burnt Broccoli: Get out of the Goddamn road you stupid acting fool.  What is wrong with you damn it.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Natalie Marie Coyle aka Eva Marie

 Ronda Rousey and Jerry Ferrara
 Ronda Rousey

 Ronda Rousey on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

Ronda Rousey

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