Friday, August 11, 2017


It wasn't raining during the daylight hours here in suburbia.  However, it's raining right now.  It might be raining all night.  I have yet to check if rain is still falling.  Hold on.  Well, I don't hear thunder, but it's still raining outside.  I don't need to be outside tonight so the fact that it's raining works fine by me.  It's far better for rain to fall in the evening than it is for rain to fall in the daytime.  And since it's night right now, everything works perfectly right now.  And perhaps the rain would have stopped by the time I wake up in the morning and ready to start a brand new day.  The Gentle Reader and I will find out what things are like when morning returns once again.  Until then, it's night and it's going to be a soggy rain soaked type of evening.
And as I'm lost in thought as rain falls from the sky, here are some photos of Anna Lund.

 Laura Julie and Anna Lund Sørensen

 Anna Lund

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