Friday, August 4, 2017


Let's be honest about this.  Redhead women are cute to look at.  Heck, women of any and all hair colors are cool to look at.  Blondes.  Brunettes.  Redheads.  Redhead women are also fun to look at.  And redhead women dressed in leather is also neat to look at.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summer, here are some photos of Sasha Martynyuk.

Of course, Brunette are also fun to look at. Of course, it's best to be so obvious when looking at a woman. You don't want the woman to be freaked out. You don't want the women to feel freaked out. You don't want to write an Internet blog that freaks women out. If you're calm as well as being cool, then things will be fine. And as I'm lost in thought while typing another Internet blog entry, here aresome photos of Sasha Martynyuk.

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