Saturday, August 19, 2017


It's late at night and I'm tired.  I have to work minimum wage in the morning.  I have to clock in at 9:00 in the morning ready to serve customers.  Since minimum wage is my only source of income, it wouldn't be possible for me to stay up all night.  It would be nice to have that type of lifestyle, but it's not realistic for me---Not yet at any rate.  I still have energy to type out this blog entry at the very least.  It was supposed to rain today, but the rain never fell.  So it's possible to see the moon and the stars above me.  It's nice to see the moon and the stars at night.  It's nice to lie on the grass and look up at the stars and wonder how many of those stars have planets orbiting them.  Perhaps a nice telescope is needed to know for certain.  But then again, imagining what life is like out there is even cooler than literally knowing for certain.  I don't know.  I'm tired and I need some sleep.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Elisabeth Erm

 Mackenzie Davis

 Sonia Ben Ammar
 Thylane Blondeau, Sonia Ben Ammar and Zendaya Coleman

 Sonia Ben Ammar, Thylane Blondeau and Zendaya Coleman
 Sonia Ben Ammar
 Thylane Blondeau
 Zendaya Coleman

 Thylane Blondeau, Sonia Ben Ammar and Zendaya Coleman

Sonia Ben Ammar
 Thylane Blondeau

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