Thursday, August 17, 2017


It's Thursday y'all.  I'm not sure what's supposed to happen on Thursday, but whatever is supposed to happen, I'll face it head on with enthusiasm.  Of course, I'm expecting good things to happen today.  I'm unmarried nor do I have children.  I never divorced nor were there any divorce court problems or controversies involved.  I don't drink alcohol so drunk driving is impossible.  I'm law abiding and I never had problems of any sort.  So of course only good things will happen today.  I don't have so much as a bug stain on my record and I'm proud of it.  So of course I'll face today head on with enthusiasm.  It's daytime and the weather is fantastic.  It was supposed to rain this afternoon, but the rain never arrived.  Perhaps it will rain tonight, but it's not raining right now.  I can't wait to get out there to enjoy the weather with enthusiasm.  I can't wait to get out there to enjoy the weather with a wide smile on my face.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Priyanka Chopra.

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