Thursday, August 10, 2017


Just because you're hiding behind a computer when you're on the Internet doesn't mean there isn't any far reaching consequences.  You can hurt other people in ways that's beyond calculation if the wrong thing is typed online.  So have fun when you're surfing the Internet, but also be careful.  Be aware of what you're writing and the nature in which you're writing it.  Remember that the other person on the other side of the Internet has feelings too.  But I'm not trying to scare you away from the Internet.  Just be careful when surfing the Internet.  Think about each thing that you type out and reedit what you're about to type online several times in your head before it's posted online.  Just because you thought you prevented a disaster by deleting the wrong type of Internet post doesn't mean that somebody didn't grab a screen capture of it to haunt you on some later date.  Anyway, I'm surfing the Internet and here is another Internet blog post.
And as I'm lost in thought in the scorching hot days of Summer, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Aubrey Plaza and Amy Poehler 

 Amy Poehler and Aubrey Plaza

 Amy Poehler
 Aubrey Plaza and Chris Pratt

 Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen

 Aubrey Plaza, director Matt Spicer and Elizabeth Olsen
 Aubrey Plaza, Pom Klementieff and Elizabeth Olsen

 Aubrey Plaza

 Billy Magnussen, Aubrey Plaza, director Matt Spicer and Elizabeth Olsen

 Billy Magnussen, Aubrey Plaza, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Olsen and director Matt Spicer

 Elizabeth Olsen

 Mae Whitman

 Mae Whitman and Sarah Ramos

 Director Matt Spicer and Aubrey Plaza

 Pom Klementieff and Billy Magnussen

 Pom Klementieff and Chris Pratt

 Pom Klementieff

 Sarah Ramos and Matt Spicer

 Sarah Ramos

 Neon's Tim League, Billy Magnussen, Aubrey Plaza, director Matt Spicer, Elizabeth Olsen and Neon's Tom Quinn
 Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Marietta Sirleaf aka Rhetta and Chris Pratt

Mae Whitman and Amy Poehler
 Amy Poehler and Mae Whitman
 Mae Whitman and Amy Poehler

 Aubrey Plaza and Billy Magnussen
 Aubrey Plaza and Matt Spicer

 Elizabeth Olsen and Aubrey Plaza

 Elizabeth Olsen, Pom Klementieff and Aubrey Plaza

 Mae Whitman

 Director Matt Spicer, Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Olsen and Aubrey Plaza

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