Sunday, November 26, 2017


I now need a coat before I venture outside.  That much is obvious.  And perhaps Spring will arrive once again.  However, there are three months of Winter to progress through first.  And technically, it's still Autumn.  And it's still going to be Autumn until the Winter Solstice.  Will I need to rake the leaves from the front lawn?  I'm not sure.  Perhaps all the leaves have already fallen from the trees.  It would be nice if all the trees had bright green leaves all year round, but I'm living in the wrong state for that to happen.  I'm living in Ohio and it gets cold in Ohio around this time of the year.  So I'm ready for the Winter months.  Ah yes, Winter is going to be lots of fun. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn as it slowly gets colder outside, here are some photos of Jennifer Lopez.

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