Monday, November 13, 2017


I've been feeling tired this evening.  I can manage enough alertness to type out this Internet blog.  I don't know how many people are reading this.  I'm not sure if this Internet blog is any good.  Still, I type out this Internet blog.  Perhaps this Internet blog that I'm typing out will do some good.  Perhaps this Internet blog won't make any difference in the long run.  Still, I feel better typing this out.  And the optimist in me still hopes that this Internet blog will do some sort of good in the long run.  I've always been a glass half full instead of being a glass half empty type of person.  Pessimism is a by product of fear and fear is something that I can easily live without.  Optimism always prevails in the end.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn, here are some photos of Kate Beckinsale.

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