Thursday, December 14, 2017


It's afternoon.  It's either the last normal afternoon before a big storm or it's just another ordinary afternoon in a long string of normal afternoon.  It depends on what you've done in the past that impacts the present.  If you screwed up in the past, you can either blame Evil Time Travelers or you could blame tragic circumstances beyond your control or you could blame yourself.  If you've been well behaved and functional in the past, then you have nothing to worry about right now.  And there's nothing wrong with having a normal and functional afternoon.  Anyway, today is a calm day.  I feel calm and relaxed.  It's just one of many calm and relaxing afternoons as time moves closer and closer towards January 2018.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Wintertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Alyssa Milano

 Mary Lou Retton and Alyssa Milano
 Mary Lou Retton

 Alyssa Milano

 Craig Ferguson and Alyssa Milano

 Eli Manning and Alyssa Milano

 Joe Buck, Craig Ferguson and Alyssa Milano

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