Friday, December 29, 2017


Twenty-four more hours until New Years Eve 2017 and forty-eight more hours until New Years Day 2018.  That's all there is left of the year 2017.  Just a single day left and then it's all done and over with.  So what will be done on the final day of the year 2017?  What is there left to accomplish on the final day of 2017?  There is so much possibilities.  There is so much opportunities.  Can it all fit within the span of a single day?  Can it all fit within the span of a single evening?  I'm not sure.  I'll find out.  It will be fun for me to find out.  A mere day is all it takes for us all to discover the year 2018 together.  I can't wait to see the year 2018 and it's only a mere day away from now.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Madison Reed

 Madison Reed and her sister Victoria Justice

 Victoria Justice

Victoria Justice and 29Rooms Collaborator Lilly Singh

 Victoria Justice

Alexa Meade

 Darby Walker

 Demi Lovato

 Margot Robbie

 Piera Gelardi

Victoria Justice

 Victoria Justice and Madison Reed

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