Sunday, December 17, 2017


I'm not rich and famous.  I'm just an ordinary guy working minimum wage while typing away on an Internet blog.  I observe the activities of the rich and famous from a distance while waiting for my big break into the Entertainment Industry.  I'm working minimum wage waiting for the chance to win the lottery to become wealthy.  Such a thing hasn't happened yet and sometimes I get to meet somebody famous during meet and greet.  And I'm thankful that there still is meet and greet being done.  I'm not sure how many folks are reading this Internet blog, but writing this Internet blog is something that I find enjoyable.  I hope what I'm doing in the right thing to do.  With luck, I'll do perfectly fine.  We'll see what happens when the year 2018 begins roughly two weeks from now.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of Michelle Williams.

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