Thursday, December 28, 2017


The year 2017 only has two more days left before it's done.  The Gentle Reader and I only have three more days left before the year 2018 begins (Not including today).  And what shall happen when the year 2018 begins?  What wonders shall we all witness on the first day of 2018?  Shall the first day of 2018 be filled with happiness or shall the first day of 2018 be filled with sadness and misery.  It's my hope that the first day of 2018 is filled with happiness.  I'm an optimistic person in heart and I would like the happies outcome for us all.  We shall all find out two days from now.  Time never slows down nor does it slow down nor stop for those who isn't prepared.  The next two day shall be full of fun and excitement as the year 2018 is moving closer and closer.   
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Billie Lourd and her father, Creative Artists Agency Partner, Managing Director and Co-Chairman Bryan Lourd

 Billie Lourd

 Zelda Williams

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