Saturday, January 13, 2018


Well, the worst that was expected has happened.  The deed is done.  There is no going back.  There is only the act of going forward.  Yes, it's true.  The snowstorm that everybody was talking about has taken place.  And all the sidewalks and the driveways have been shoveled off.  Ok, it wasn't the best sidewalk snow shoveling, but considering the deepness of the snow, it's the best that can be expected.  If you wanted a better sidewalk snow shoveling, you should've spoken with GOD about a lighter snow storm.  I clearly won't win any awards with the way I shoveled snow from the sidewalks. I did a better job shoveling the driveway with a tiny bit of the driveway needed to be redone with further Snow Plowing of the city streets (Which was out of my control).  And now it's all in the past and I have the future to look forward to. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Andie MacDowell and Annabeth Gish
 Annabeth Gish

Andie MacDowell

 Dree Hemingway

 Dree Hemingway and Andie MacDowell

Dree Hemingway

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