Thursday, February 8, 2018


If you had a choice between doing something that you will learn to regret and doing something that you can be proud of, it's far better to chose the section option.  But suppose predestination insists that you must do something that you will learn to regret in order for the predestination to work.  Well, for starters, I never did believe in predestination.  Predestination is just an excuse to continue bad habits that are unproductive.  If predestination requires an act that you will learn to regret, it's better to chose something that you can be proud of instead.  And if doing something that you can be proud of instead ruins the predestined fate forever, then perhaps the predestined fate was never meant to happen in the first place.  Perhaps the alleged predestined fate was just an work of fiction right from the very start.  Don't let peer pressure force you to do something that will hurt other people simply so that you can fit in with a group of people who will never accept you.  Resist peer pressure and stay true to yourself.  Trust me that you'll feel better about yourself in the long run.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of Bella Hadid.

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