Monday, March 5, 2018


I walked down the sidewalk and I heard a loud noise.  I walked towards the loud noise.  Noisy Lad was banging a pair of cymbals while standing in the middle of the street.  I stood on the sidewalk as I talked to It's a Disaster Lad.
ME:  What are you doing?
NOISY LAD:  I'm playing the cymbal for the brand new rock band that I'm forming.  The problem is that I'm playing the cymbals wrong.
ME:  I don't know if it's possible to play the cymbals wrong.
NOISY LAD:  Oh trust me when I say it's possible to play the cymbals wrong.  And I'm playing the cymbals wrong.
ME:  Further more, I don't know if there's much need for cymbals in a rock band.
NOISY LAD:  They have cymbals in a classical music concert.
ME:  Yes, it's true.  There are cymbals in a classical music concert.
NOISY LAD:  And dirt is messy.
ME:  Yes, it's true.  Dirt is messy.
NOISY LAD:  There you go.  That's all the proof that you ever needed.  I just proved to you that there is a need for a musician specializing in playing cymbals and nothing else but cymbals in a rock band performing a rock concert.
ME:  Well, good luck playing the cymbals in a rock band because classical music concerts uses cymbals and because dirt is messy.
NOISY LAD:  Thanks.  I'll be the best cymbals player rock and roll has ever witnessed performing rock music for all to enjoy.
And with that, I walked down the sidewalk towards my next destination.
And as I'm lost in thought during the transition between Winter and Spring, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Kristen Stewart


 Leslie Bibb

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