Friday, March 16, 2018


Winter has four more days left before it's over.  Four more days until Spring.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking Gentle Reader.  You're thinking shouldn't Spring start on March 1, 2018?  Alas, Spring never starts on the first day of March.  Rather, Spring actually starts with the Spring Solstice.  And the Spring Solstice is four days from now.  So it's time to spend the next four days enjoying what little time of Winter there is left.  Because when Winter is over, it's gone for the next six months.  And when Winter returns, it will be close to the end of the year instead of being at the start of the year.  And who knows what type of changes we'll be facing at the end of the year.  But we're putting the cart before the horse.  Let's first enjoy the end of Winter and the start of Spring.  The Gentle Reader and I will worry about everything else on a later time.
And as I'm lost in thought while remembering that Spring is coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Bailee Madison

 Barbara Palvin

 Charlize Theron

 Diane Kruger

 Gabriella Wilde

 Gal Gadot

 Hailee Steinfeld

 Kamila Filipcikova

 Megan Fox

 Sophie Turner

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