Friday, March 9, 2018


THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  I'm going to earn an Olympic Gold Medal in Pogo Stick Racing.  I know that because I can hop on the pogo stick better than anybody in the world.
ME:  Pogo Stick Racing isn't an Olympic sport.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  Maybe not yet, but it will be.
ME:  How do you know that?
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  You have noticed that birds can fly midair really high without falling.
ME:  I have noticed that.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  You have noticed that flies can fly midair really high without falling.
ME:  I have noticed that too.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  You have noticed that turtles can't fly.  Turtles can only crawl across the ground really slow.
ME:  I noticed that too.
THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD:  There you go.  That's your proof.  I'm going to earn an Olympic Gold Medal in Pogo Stick Racing. 
ME:  I guess you can't argue with logic like that.
And with that, THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD hopped away on his pogo stick down the sidewalk and he vanished from sight.
And as I'm lost in thought while remembering that Spring is coming and Spring is almost here, allow me to present to you some photos of the following individuals.
Iris Apatow and her father Judd Apatow

 Leslie Mann and her spouse Judd Apatow
 Leslie Mann

 Leslie Mann and Aziz Ansari

 Leslie Mann

 Leslie Mann and her daughter Maude Apatow

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