Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Springtime is coming.  And with the arriving Springtime comes the end of Winter.  But we always knew that Winter was only here for a short while.  We always knew that Winter was only here for three months maximum.  And then Winter is done.  And with the conclusion of Winter comes the Springtime.  Ah yes Gentle Reader, Springtime is coming.  I know that I'm ready for the Springtime.  I know that I'm ready for warmer weather.  Springtime is coming.  And beyond Springtime will arrive the Summer.  And I can't wait to see the warmth of Summer grace us with it's presence once again.  Ah yes, Springtime is coming.  What happy days that will be.  Oh what happy days indeed.
And as I'm lost in thought as I remember that Springtime in coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Angourie Rice and novelist David Levithan
 Angourie Rice

 Angourie Ricec and Owen Teague

 Debbie Ryan and Angourie Rice

 Debbie Ryan

 Debbie Ryan, director Michael Sucsy and Angourie Rice
 Director Michael Sucsy, Jacob Batalon, Angourie Rice, Debby Ryan and Owen Teague

Miles Heizer and Debby Ryan

 Debby Ryan

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