Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Kristin Kruek and Allison Mack are really close friends.  They met on the set of the television show Smallville and started hanging out with each other.  When Kristin Kruek joined the Albany County, New York located company NXIVM, she insisted on Allison Mack joining.  Kristin Kruek left around the year 2013, but Allison Mack remained within NXIVM (Pronounced Nexium).  Kristin Kruek insists that she never did anything illegal while at NXIVM and she left the organization before things really got weird.

 NXIVM held a dark secret though.  The multi-level marketing company did offer self help lessons to those who sought education within the organization.  However, the upper levels of NXIVM was a cult that brainwashed women into believing that they are slaves to be ordered around my men.  Keith Rainier, the founder of NXIVM ordered women to be thin or else wear cow udders and be humiliated.  Women were branded with Keith Ranier's initials just above their pubic areas.  He kept them sleep deprived by ordering them to his presence at all hours of the night.  Keith Ranier became the only male and the unquestioned leader of an all women organization.  And through it all, Allison Mack rose all the way to become the right hand woman to Keith Ranier's organization.  Allison Mack played a crucial role in recruiting women into NXIVM to become members of Keith Ranier's women only cult organization.  The all women cult within NXIVM was called DOS (Short for dominant over submissive.).  Allison Mack continued to pursue acting all the way to the year 2017 while also working as Keith Ranier's second in command of the DOS subdivision of NXIVM. 

 Keith Ranier's initials tattooed over the pubic areas of women who belong to DOS---the women only cult within NXIVM.
 Headquarters for the Albany County, New York located company NXIVM
 Keith Ranier and Allison Mack went on vacation to Mexico with other women of DOS when the FBI issued a warrant for Keith Ranier's arrest for sex trafficking.  He was arrested by the Mexican Police while staying in a $10,000 condominium somewhere in Mexico.  Alison Mack was shocked by Keith Ranier's arrest by the Mexican Police to be handed over to the FBI (The Mexican Police alone had the jurisdiction to place Keith Ranier under arrest).
 Allison Mack and the other women of DOS returned to Brooklyn, New York City, New York.  This time, it was Allison Mack's turn to be arrested for sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy.  She faces fifteen years to life in prison.

 Mindy Mack, birth mother of Allison Mack, was also present for the courtroom trial.

 And so off Allison Mack went to the courtroom trial for having her arraigned for trail and to figure out how much bail she has to pay to ensure limited freedom.  The failure of her lawyers will result in between fifteen years to life in prison for Allison Mack.

 Allison Mack's house in Clifton Park where she lives close to other DOS women is put up for collateral to pay the five billion dollar bond to ensure her limited freedom from jail resulting in her being held under house arrest.
 Jonathon and Mindy Mack's house in California also had to be put as collateral to pay the five billion bond to ensure Allison Mack's limited freedom from jail.  Allison Mack was ordered to cut all ties with NXIVM and the women of DOS while she lives in her parents house under house arrest with an electronic monitoring.

 While in DOS all women subdivision of NXIVM, Allison Mack married former Battlestar Galactica actress Nicki Clyne.  Nicki Clyne also belongs to the all women DOS subdivision of NXIVM.  Nicki Clyne hasn't done any acting work since 2008, audio book for World War Z in 2013 and a web video in 2018.  Since Nicki Clyne refuses to leave the all women DOS subdivision of NXIVM, it isn't known how long Allison Mack's marriage to Nicki Clyne will last.

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