Tuesday, April 24, 2018


After we go on vacation to Mexico, let's travel next to New York City.  In particular, let's go to one of the five Boroughs of New York City called Brooklyn.  Oh what fun can be had in Brooklyn.  To walk along the cityscape.  Try to find and hang out in Central Park (Though Central Park is actually located in Manhattan and Brooklyn is south of Manhattan).  However, the Gentle Reader and I could first visit Central Park in the New York City Borough of Manhattan before going to the New York City Borough of Brooklyn.  And while in Brooklyn, the Gentle Reader and I could throw a party for a few of our friends.  The party could start at my hotel room in the New York City Borough of Brooklyn before going to the hotel room of a friend who is also visiting New York City.  And what happens next?  Perhaps the Gentle Reader and I could visit a Convention Center somewhere in New York City to attend yet another party.  Oh what fun could be had.  Oh what fun indeed.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Springtime as I remember that Summer is coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Hailey Baldwin

 Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin
 Kendall Jenner

 President and CEO OBB Pictures Michael Ratner and Kendall Jenner

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