Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Only less than a day before the end of May.  Only less than a day before the start of June.  Only less than a day before the year 2018 is almost finished.  The year 2018 was once such a distant far off moment of time that we'll never succeed in reaching.  And if you watched Terminator Salvation you would've figured that the year 2018 will be year one of a post nuclear apocalyptic holocaust wasteland ruled by homicidal robots and cyborgs.  Thankfully, the year 2018 turned out to be nothing of the sort.  The year 2018 was just another ordinary year with ordinary folks going about their lives.  And perhaps it's better that way.  And the next time we watch the film Terminator Salvation, we look back at a time when Hollywood predicted the future wrong.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Springtime while remembering that Summer is coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Angela Lindvall

 Bambi Northwood-Blyth

 Cara Delevingne

 Elle Fanning

 Emily Ratajkowski

 Hailey Clauson

 Josh Beech and Grace Hartzel

 Karlina Caune

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