Monday, May 14, 2018


It's feeling less like Winter each and everyday.  The chances for the snow falling is getting less likely.  Springtime is truly here.  Summer will truly follow close behind.  And oh what a wonderful day it will be when Summer does arrive.  I don't have a clear idea what Summer will be like, but I have a general idea about the direction that Summer will be taking.  Sometimes a vague idea is what's needed with Summer getting closer and closer.  I'm excited for the arrival of the Summer.  Oh yes, Summer 2018 should be a fun and exciting time for us all.
And as I'm lost in thought as I remember that Summer is coming, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Cara Delevingne

 Gillian Jacobs

 Lana Del Rey

 Michelle Monaghan

 Rose Bertram

 Zendaya Coleman

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