Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I was a resident of two houses and two apartments located in Columbus, Ohio from 1990 until halfway through 2008 upon which I became a resident of Strongsville, Ohio---A suburb of Cleveland, Ohio until halfway through 2013.  Upon which I relocated to Groveport, Ohio---A suburb of Columbus, Ohio from halfway through 2013 until halfway through 2018.  Now I'm a resident of Eastport, Maine.  This is the first time since the year 1989 that I lived in a state other than Ohio.  At first, living anywhere other than Ohio was a massive huge step.  And when the relocation was completed, I'm starting to enjoy my life in Eastport, Maine.  And I took a walk down Key Street down to Water Street in Eastport, Maine.  And I shall look upon the waterfront.  I shall see the seagulls flying up in the sky.  I shall see the waves crash upon the shore.  And I look across the oceanic bay to see the nation of Canada.  And I keep promising myself to visit Canada when I have the legal paperwork figured out.  Until then, I shall live in Eastport, Maine and I shall look upon the Canadian province of New Brunswick from a distance.  Oh, but what a majestic sight Eastport, Maine is.  And what a beautiful morning today truly is.
As I'm lost in thought in the hot Summer days in Eastport, Maine, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Bo Fasseur and Rianne van Rompaey

 Edie Campbell

 Edie Campbell and Andrew Cooper
 Hannah Kirkelie

 Jessica Whitlow

 Natalie Portman

 Rianne van Rompaey

 Stefanie Scott

 Erin Richards, Maggie Geha and Chelsea Spack
 Zelda Williams

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