Friday, October 19, 2018


Relocating isn't the only exhausting time consuming chore that I'm facing.  There's more to do beyond moving heavy boxes around.  I look out of the window to see the lawn.  There's mowing the grass (Or trying to get the grass mowed).  There's raking the leaves (Or trying to get the leaves raked.  It's probably easier to rake the leaves than it is to mow the grass.  And being originally from Ohio there's the challenge of getting it all done before the snow falls.  Of course, being originally from Ohio, I have no idea when the first snow falls here in Maine.  So there's the chronology of it all and trying to get the timing done right.  I'm an optimistic person.  I'm confident that I'll get it all figured out one way or another in some form or another. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn in the wonderful state of Maine, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Beth Behrs

 Cheryl Saban and Irena Medavoy
 Cheryl Saban and President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel
 David Schwimmer, President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel and Eric McCormack
 Elisa Johnson and Cookie Johnson
 Eric McCormack and Jennifer Garner
 Felicity Huffman

 Felicity Huffman, President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel and William H. Macy

 Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy

 Gloria Allred

 Gloria Allred and President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel
 Grace Gummer

 Jason Behr and KaDee Strickland

 Jennifer Garner

 Jo Champa
 Justin Chambers T. R. Knight and Sarah Drew
 KaDee Strickland

 Olivia Jordan

 Olivia Jordan and Jay Hector

 President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel

 President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel and Jennifer Garner

 President of The Rape Foundation Gail Abarbanel and Sarah Drew
 Sarah Drew

 T. R. Knight and Sarah Drew

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