Tuesday, January 1, 2019


It's done.  It's finished.  It has been completed.  We all know this day will come and now it has arrived.  It can't be stopped and now the prediction has been fulfilled.  Yes, it's true.  The year 2018 has ended and the year 2019 has started.  And with the year 2018 now a dust covered relic of past events, we look forward to the future.  We look towards the year 2019.  Nobody knows what direction the year 2019 will take.  We all can make guesses, but that's all we can do.  And as we look back at the events from the year 2018, we look forward to what will occur in the year 2019.  Happy New Year everybody. 
And as I'm lost in thought on the first day of the year 2019, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Elle Macpherson

Lily Aldridge

Lily Jean Harvey

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