Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I'm now living in Maine.  And in Maine, the Atlantic Ocean water is insanely cold even in the hottest days of Summer.  It's both a blessing and a curse.  It's a blessing because the Atlantic Ocean water is too freezing cold for a hurricane to form.  It's a curse because the Atlantic Ocean water is so freezing hat it's impossible to go swimming in it.  It's possible to walk alongside it, but not to go swimming in it.  Thankfully, there is indoor swimming pools.  Alas, there isn't a lot of indoor swimming pools here n Maine (Unless you check in a hotel that has an indoor swimming pool).  So you could spend lots of money purchasing a really great swimming suit that you'll never get to use (Unless you travel out of town or even out of state to go swimming somewhere).  I don't know.  Folks don't like going swimming around here.  Anyway, it's nice to live a block and a half away from the Atlantic Ocean without having to worry about a hurricane huffing and puffing and blowing my house down (Which would kind of suck). 
And as I'm lost in thought in the springtime here are some photos of the following individuals...
Charlotte McKinney

Charlotte McKinney

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