Sunday, December 15, 2019


I could hear a strong wind blowing.  That and cold weather makes me glad that I'm sleeping indoors tonight.  Winter in Maine is no time to be sleeping outdoors.  It's almost Christmas.  It's almost time to set up the Christmas tree.  It's almost time for Christmas cheer.  Christmas time is almost here and I'm ready.  I'm ready for holiday cheer.  Ah yes, December 2019 is going to be fun.  I's going to be fun to find out what the rest of December has in store for us all.
And as I'm lost in thought as we get closer to the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Amanda Cooksey
 Dua Lipa

 Mabel Alabama-Pearl McVey or simply Mabel
 Michaela Bennett and Lotus Krabbe

 Rosie Morris

 Sarah Darling

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