Monday, June 28, 2021


 Let's suppose you have been raped and sexually harassed.  Your Rape Offending Sexually Harassing Arch Enemy is looking at you with a smug expression.  He knows that he can make your life a living hell and get away with it.  You have two options available.

1a.  You want to be a vigilante against your Rape Offending Sexually Harassing Arch Enemy, but you're not any got at being a vigilante.  In fact, you're both pathetic and useless at being a vigilante.  Learn to be a better vigilante because you're pretty much pathetic at the vigilantism occupation.

1b.  Or maybe you really are a genius at being a vigilante, but you go to far in the vigilantism department.  You go so far that your vigilantism becomes a criminal act.  I understand.  You're in a lot of pain.  The rape and sexual harassment has destroyed your faith in the law enforcement community and you're not sure if you could get that faith in law enforcement back again.  Perhaps the Police should take over after all.

2.  Realize that being a vigilante really isn't your cup of tea and telephone the police.  Oh, but it takes seven whole days to decide if the police should be called.  No, it doesn't take seven whole days, it only takes seven whole seconds to call the Police after a Sexually Harassing Rape Attack.  So telephone the police and have the Police send the Rape Offending Sexually Harassing Arch Enemy screaming to the flaming pits of Hell where he belongs.  And if you have laws that protect rape and sexual harassment, then telephone Capitol Hill and change the laws.  Have Capitol Hill create new laws that punish rape and sexual harassment.  Elect the political party that will respond to your needs and don't elect the political party that responds to their needs and to Heck with you.  The Politician didn't elect you.  You elected the Politician.  The power is in your hands.

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