Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm sure you all seen the Arnold Schwarzenegger film the Terminator.  In the year 2029, the Human Race has been overthrown from being in control over their own planet Earth.  What replaced them were cyborgs of the Human Race's own design.  So the cyborg Terminator race dictator (Who's never identified or seen) sents Arnold Schwarzenegger back in time from 2029 to the year 1984 to kill Sarah Connor.  Why?  Well, there's a glitch in the cyborg Terminator race's dictatorship plan.  You seen Sarah Connor is either pregnant or destined to be pregnant with John Connor.  John Connor is destined to overthrow the cyborg Terminator dictatorship and return Earth to the Human Race.  Well the Arnold Schwarzenegger robot failed to kill Sarah Connor, died, went back to the future.  Then the Arnold Scwarzenegger robot discovered the Chritian faith and became Sarah Connor's bodyguard (Don't ask).  Then the Arnold Schwarzenegger robot died again, came back and went back to the year 2029.  Then Sarah Connor died off camera from cancer.  Yeah, cyborg Terminators couldn't kill Sarah Connor, but cancer could.  John Connor fell in love with Kate.  Then the Arnold Schwarzenegger robot returned from the year 2029 to become bodyguard for John Connor and his future wife Kate.  Then came nuclear war.  The Arnold Scwarzenegger cyborg Terminator robot died again.  Then John Connor started looking and acting like Batman. 
The bottom line is if the fictional Terminator series is a prophetic prediction of the future, The United States will become a colony of some horrible GOD forsaken dictatorship by the year 2029.  In other words, according to the Terminator film series, Democracy in the United States of America only has seventeen years left before all hell breaks loose.  Yes, it's true.  Time moves much too quickly.  We're not in the year 1984 anymore.  We're in the year 2012.  The year 2029 is only seventeen years away.  So what happens to the Terminator film series when we finally reach the year 2029 and the planet Earth isn't gripped in a cyborg robot Terminator controlled dictatorship?  Would there be any future for the Terminator films beyond the year 2029 when the far flung future is no longer far flung anymore?

While I'm getting ready for the giant sized robot war seventeen years from now, here are some photos of television and film actress Laura Prepon.  

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