Friday, January 13, 2012


So it snowed today.  Yes, there was snow predicted, but I wasn't really taking it seriously.  The television weather reports cried wolf way too often and without much to show for it twice already.  Why should I believe that something serious in the way of snow was going to happen now.  Oh wow was I surprised.  The snow really wasn't that deep, but it still packed a wallop.  The snow has eased to a halt and giving the citizens of Cleveland, Ohio the chance to catch their breath.  There might be more snow.  That might be followed by rain.  The chance for the rain turning to ice might happen.  Or maybe there won't be ice at the end of the rain.  I'm not praying for ice to come because ice always makes life harder.  So I guess this is the first genuine appearance of winter---Unless it's all going to melt away next week (Which is a possiblity).  At any rate, the citizens of Cleveland, Ohio should get in all the sledding, skiing and ice skating in now just in case the snow will melt next week.  If anything, the Cleveland, Ohio winter weather has been very unpredictable.  I'm not saying that's a bad thing.  But it does make life interesting. 

As I'm bundled up for the winter season, here are some photos of film actress Kate Beckinsale.

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