Friday, February 10, 2012


As much as it's tempting to reenact the biography of Darth Vader, that might turn out not to my benefit.  Let's start with the obvious.  Darth Vader is a jerk.  I'm not going to get into all the crimes that he has done, but it's not worth repeating in reality.  Plus, I lack the drive and ambition to start a dictatorship.  Plus, I lack the money to start a dictatorship.  It's kind of hard to start a dictatorship if I can't even find employment as a minimum wage employment janitor longer than between four and a half hours to four days.  It would be nice for me to find minimum wage employment that actually lasts longer than four and a half hours to four days before I even think about starting a multi-national dictatorship identical to the multi-planet empire that Darth Vader started.  Besides, did I mention that I'm too nice of a guy to be acting like that.  My conscience would get in the way too much.  There are too many wars raging already.  We don't need even more wars than what we already have.  We need more peace making efforts than war battles.
Plus, Star Wars Episode Four---A New Hope is a remake of the Japanese action film The Hidden Fortress with science fiction elements thrown in.  People who isn't familiar with Asian films probably didn't realize that Star Wars Episode Four--A New Hope and 1958 era film The Hidden Fortress literally are the same exact film with small changes thrown in.  Even the part about greed over gold being more important than freedom fighting was a story telling element.  The Hidden Fortress didn't have any talking robots are giant sized pet gorilla critters though.  Fans of R2D2, C3P0 and Chewbacca will be disappointed by that.  Anyway, that's a bit of film trivia thrown in at no extra charge.  So the next time you see all six films in the Star Wars series, be sure to thank Japanese filmmaking legend Akira Kurosawa for creating and directing The Hidden Fortress as well thanking George Lucas for the Star Wars epic. 
Anyway, while I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up at the age of forty-three, here are some photos of film and television actress Jodi Lyn O'Keefe.

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