Friday, February 10, 2012


The sky is grey and overcast.  The weather is cold.  It looked as if it might snow, but it turned out to be a false lead.  And lacking a car to drive, I'm riding a bike instead.  I'm thankful that there isn't a flat tire.  I've been getting too many flat tires in such a short span of time recently.  I'm glad to have a functioning bicycle.  I would rather be driving a car, but I guess fate and destiny has other intentions in mind for me.  So here I am.  I'm unemployed.  I would like to be employed.  However, the Great Recession is getting in the way.  Or rather, I would like to believe that it's the Great Recession's fault that I'm unemployed.  If it's my fault that I'm unemployed, then I need to revamp my personality so I won't have to make enemies of anymore future, current or past employers.  I can't afford to make enemies of any employers period.  The only working poor individual who can afford to make enemies of past, current and future employers are idiots who are doomed to be homeless and destitute.  I don't want my personality deficiencies to make a homeless vagrant out of me.  Therefore, if I need to improve myself in order to survive, then that's what I shall do.  I will be employed again.  There is a light at the end of the long dark tunnel.  There is hope for my hopeless existence.

While I'm busy filling out job application forms, here are some photos of television and film actress Kaley Cuoco.

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