Friday, April 6, 2012


So how long will it take before a spaceship trip from Earth to the planet Mars is as cheap as $1,000.00 per person.  Not in my lifetime.  The technology simply isn't there.  Since the Spaceshuttle can land like an airplane, but could only take off like a rocketship, landing on alien soil is impossible.  There's no buildings yet constructed to allow the spaceshuttle to be propped up for Rocketship takeoff.  However, you can't rely on Rocketships to carry material for building construction because Rocketships are too small.  Plus, without the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, it takes to long to reach Mars (Or other planets in the Solar System too).  As a result, it will take more than $1,000.00 just to drive the spaceshuttle around the Earth (Nothing more than the metaphorical version of a trip around the block several times).  If NASA could create a spaceship better than the Rocketship and the Spaceshuttle combined, then we'll get the colonizing other worlds (Or the Moon) that we're looking for.  However, how does NASA create a spaceship that takes off like an airplane and lands like an airplane.  Ah yes, that's the hard part.  I wish I had all the easy answers, but I don't.  I pray that NASA someday finds the answers for better outer space travel someday soon.

While I'm thinking about outer space, here are some photos of rock star Juliana Hatfield.

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