Friday, April 6, 2012


So today is Good Friday.  This Sunday is Easter.  And this being April, this the arrival of Easter day was unavoidable.  I actually didn't think the Cleveland Public Library was actually open on Good Friday.  However, I was delighted to learn that the Cleveland Public Library maintains regular hours.  So that will give me the chance to get done some Internet surfing activities in between filling out online Internet based job application forms.  I don't have a smart phone so I can't fill out the job application forms that way.  Plus, there won't be any need to go job hunting for minimum wage employment if I were able to afford a smart phone.  I have to share the Internet access on the computer in Mom's house with Mom and my brother Mitchel.  At least this way, I can get all the Internet surfing done without much fuss.  Of course, I'm still filling out paper job application forms too.  However, I'm not going to reject the use of technology in my job search.  I pray to GOD everyday that I'll be employed again soon.  I've been needing really good news lately.

While I'm busy filling out job application forms, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and rock star Miley Cyrus.

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