Thursday, April 5, 2012


Keep in mind that according to the Terminator film series, the planet Earth will end on the year 2030.  Also keep in mind that today is April 5, 2012.  In other words, the planet Earth will by overrun by killer homicidal cyborgs 100% beyond repair eighteen years from now.  In other words, if John Connor hasn't been found yet, then we're already screwed.  I'm saying this because according to the Terminator film series, the nuclear bombs should've already been falling from the skies right now this exact second.   If you believe the Planet of the Apes series, the planet Earth will be overthrown by zoo animals on an unspecified date somewhere in the future.  New York City becomes a desert.  The Atlantic Ocean becomes a small lake.  The Statue of Liberty is broken, torn and buried in desert sand.  Wall Street falls underground and is smashed apart inside an underground cave.  Washington D.C. also falls downward into a cave.  Human beings become pet animals.  Pet animals takes over as the dominate life form.  There is no Jesus Christ like Messiah in the Planet of the Apes version of the future though.  We're all doomed to wear pet animal collars in the pet animal revolt.  The Resident Evil films insist that we won't be overthrown by cyborgs or pet animals, but rather we'll be overthrown by zombies.  The Umbrella Corporations has been breeding zombies for scientific research.  Why do horror film evil corporate/Government fools always use horror film villains for research.  Doesn't anybody in horror film land know that such a concept never ends well?  The question is this.  Is Star Trek the only film series with a positive depiction of the far flung future?  I'm not in a rush to see the United States of America be overthrown by either cyborgs, pet animals or zombies.

While I'm thinking about science fiction and horror films, here are some photos of rock star legend Sarah McLachlan. 

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