Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's still cold outside.  I would've figured that the weather would be getting warm and staying warm.  However, it takes a while for warm weather to actually arrive.  So I still need to wear a coat outside on certain days.  Not everyday, but on certain days.  Today is a good example of the cold tempreture that require a light jacket.  It's not raining.  Ok, let's see what the weather is going to be like today.  The tempreture high is going to be sixty-five degrees.  The tempreture low is going to be forty-three.  So now comes a very important question.  If I could time travel to any era of time, what time period would I go to?  That's a tough question.  There are so many time periods I would like to time travel to.  If only I were immortal.  If I were immortal, I could start with the prehistoric caveman era and keep going non-stop to the year 2012.  Oh what memories I would have.  However, since immortality is impossible, time travel would be the last resort.  However, since time travel is also impossible, what's left is the use of my creative imagination.  Still, it's good to be imaginative once in a while.

While I'm lost in thought about cold May weather, time travel and immortality, here are some photos of film actress, television actress and fashion model Brooke Shields.

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