Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Time races forward faster than expected.  It's already the ninth day of May.  The end of the month isn't here yet, but time races faster when you want it to slow down.  Time crawls slowly when you want it to race faster.  Or perhaps time stays the same---It's the perception of time that changes.  Whatever the case may be, I'm surprised that it's already the ninth day of May.  I'm hopeful that May will be the month that I find employment.  I'm still hopeful that good news will come my way.  I shall write out lots of job application forms just in case.  It's a good idea to fill out job application forms even if it looks as if I won't find employment this month.  Because just when I've given up hope on my job search is when a job offer actually arrives.  Time has a way of being unpredictable.  There's no way of knowing where the next job offer will come from aside from taking a sneak peak of my future using time travel.  Without time travel, it's simply a matter of trial and error until I succeed in finding employment again.  As time continues to march forward, I'm hopeful for an optimistic future.
As I continue to fill out another job application form, here are some photos of rock star Sarah McLachlan.

And here is a photo of rock star Melissa McClelland and Sarah McLachlan.

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