Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Gentle Reader, I'm not sure if you noticed this or if you noticed this how much you cared it was there.  Allow me to clearify.  Have you noticed that the keys in the computer keyboard is never in alphabetical order.  Rather, modeled after the typewriter, the computer keyboard alphabet is q w e, r, t,y,u, i,o,p,a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,z,x,c,v,b,n,m.  I'm not sure why the computer keyboard is never in the proper alphabetic order.  My hands doesn't seem to care much.  My hands just fly across the computer keyboard without ever looking at it.  I could type this sentence out with my eyes closed and I'll still get this typewritten sentence completed with minor spelling errors.  Eyes open now.  Still, I never understood why typewriter and computer keyboard keys never follow alphabetic order.  I'm sure there is a really cool story attached to such a thing.  Someday, I'll figure out what that story is.  Until then, the fact that the computer keyboard keys are never in the proper alphabetic order continues to be one of the biggest mysteries of life.

As I ponder the mysteries of the computer, here are some photos of country music star Sarah Darling.

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